Beryan Dam Design


Location: Sana’a, YemenClient: Sana’a Basin Water Management Project (SBWMP)

Address: Sana’a Basin Water Management Project (SBWMP)

Start Date: October 2005

Completion Date: On Going

Duration of Assignment: On Going

Total No. of staff-months: 70

Associated consultants (AC): Stanley Consultants Inc.

No. of staff-months by AC: 30

Involved Seniors: Team Leader: UdelageSubash

Project’s Brief

Malah dam site is located in the BeniHushaish district about 30 km north east of Sana’a. Several small wadis flow into Wadi Al-Malah, which is a tributary leading into Wadi Al Fars. The scope of services the collection of available information and maps specific to the project sites such as, site plans and topographical and geological maps, test pits excavation, sampling and field testing, drilling of boreholes, sampling of disturbed (including split spoon samples) and undisturbed samples and carrying out the necessary and appropriate field testing. 

Scope of Service

Review all the available environmental studies and reports, physical features and environmental conditions of each site. Which include: positive and negative impacts of the project. Possible alternative sites, technologies, configurations of project components, construction techniques and O & M procedures. As well as identify the data gaps and additional information required to develop EIA, analyse and compare the alternative project sites in a quantitative and qualitative manner in terms of potential environmental impacts











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